Modules and volunteering

A university should not only give its students a specialized education, but also encourage them to place their intellectual development in a broader framework.
Therefore, Lerkeveld offers a formation program that is open to all students, as well as university staff members and externals. The program draws on three main pillars of our society: the social, the cultural and the religious/spiritual.
In our program booklet you will find an overview of the workshops/seminars and modules organized this year. You will get a brief description of their content and the dates and locations where they will take place.
A workshop or seminar generally consists of 7 or 8 meetings of one and a half to two hours each. A module consists of 4 meetings of two hours each. The supervisors create space for dialogue and discussion. The workshops require active input from the participants.

Price and enrollment

  • Students Lerkeveld:
    free (unless mentioned otherwise)
  • Externals: €5 per night
Enroll here

Overview modules and volunteer work 2023-2024

There are a number of other modules available in Dutch only.
To learn more about those, check out the Dutch version of this page.

More info:

016 39 84 77
Content coordinator: Father Walter Ceyssens s.j.